{simple pleasures} coming home: rentrer à la maison

It’s a funny thing coming home. nothing changes.

Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same.

You realize what’s changed is you.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

rentre à la masion: it struck me long ago while traveling far from home that there's no place that smells quite like chicago. close to lake michigan, cool winds carry an aqueous + water grass bouquet along with the distinct smell of fresh lake water. "water grass" is how my french friends translate  the word "seaweed". i truly cherish this scent, it's definitely one of my fave simple pleasures

{eco mode: wearing a black, organic cotton sweater by slow fashion label bon label, 30-wears skirt shopped from my own closet + a structured cross-body from ethical luxury handbag brand angela roi from fave eco boutique bead + reel.