{simple pleasures} les péages de cloche: the bell tolls

therefore, send not to know

for whom the bell tolls,

it tolls for thee.
— John Donne

pas d'île: john donne, 16th century metaphysical poet + cleric, wrote this passage in 1624, found in

devotions upon emergent occasions. i love his work + i also love taking pictures of churches + cathedrals wherever i may travel. i thought it fitting to link his words to today's imagery:

no man is an island,

entire of itself.

each is a piece of the continent,

a part of the main.

if a clod

be washed away by the sea,

europe is the less.

as well as if a promontory were.

as well as if a manor of thine own

or of thine friend's were.

each man's death diminishes me,

for i am involved in mankind.

therefore, send not to know

for whom the bell tolls,

it tolls for thee.