{simple pleasures} ressources naturelles: natural resources

The greatest victory in life is to rise above the material things we once valued most.
— Muhammad Ali

ressources naturelles: i think i value sunshine most. i'd be happy with pockets full of sunshine as my only possession. spring's shimmering days will soon unpack my favorite season, summer. this nature-loving girl has been waiting patiently for the days of full-time sunshine. this is parc des buttes-chaumont, where you have a "window seat" for great people watching anywhere in the park + whether you prefer full sunshine or a little shade under a tree, you've come to the right place.  the petite square pictured in the second image is rene viviani, home to the city's oldest tree, adjacent to the church saint julien le pauvre + across from notre dame. it's the perfect, peaceful locale for an afternoon lunch or for reading a good book. you'll find shakespeare + co's cozy cafe across the way with lots of veggie menu offerings. for more green spaces, here's a terrific list of 15 secret gardens in paris. 

{simple pleasures} jouer et prier: places to play + pray

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
— John Muir

places to play + pray: far and wide, beauty pours forth from nature. one of my favorite scents is the smell of the great outdoors; that magical combination of grass + dirt, trees + leaves, wind + sun. i so love the summer months.