simple pleasures: plus d'expériences, more experiments

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

faire la route: traveling + roadtripping is one of my favorite ways to experience life + to experiment with life. the word expérience in french has two meanings: 1. to encounter, to adventure and 2. to try, to experiment. i love that this one word looks at our ability to both try + to do as one: it holds hope + possibilities within it. 

i've been reading about pacifist + author bertha von suttner. suttner was the first female recipient of the nobel peace prize, and the author of inventory of the soul and the controversial anti-war novel lay down your arms.  from countess to house cleaner to renowned author and leader in the international peace movement, suttner had many life experiences. 

i'm inspired by the strength that galvanizes each of us towards our passions, whether it's promoting peace on a large scale or living a peaceful life each day, touching the lives of those in small corners of the world. i hope you're all experiencing life as you envision it in your minds + hearts. 

{simple pleasures} unbridled drive: débridé dessein

Only that day dawns to which we are awake.
— Henry David Thoreau

débridé dessein: this summer has been a splendid celebration of five years of good health, five years cancer free. what a blessing + a joy. i've honored this milestone with travels through belgium, the netherlands and finally with a roadtrip through the south and north of france. the saturated hues of the french countryside along with undulating fields of grass + sky reawaken ones senses. time spent with friends, time spent solo, time spent in nature, and time spent with god continue to nourish, revitalize + restore even after the journey has brought me back to city life + the paris milieu. i'll be back writing about all things eco + organic here on the blog: from cafes serving up delicious, organic fare to sustainable brands + boutiques offering fantastic ethical choices. stay tuned, green hearts!