simple pleasures: réflexions

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
— Charles Dickens

i've crossed paths with this beautiful mirrored edifice many times, but i've never quite stopped to admire its beauty until recently. i love the reflection of haussmannian architecture + the ornate cathedral across the way: a lovely juxtaposition of diverse artforms in one place + space. 

{simple pleasures} être comme l'eau: be like water

Always be like water. float in the times of pain and dance like waves along the wind which touches its surface.
— Santosh Kalwar 

be like water: nature's architecture in oregon offers up a splendid display of mountains, waterfalls + verdant landscape. feels just like heaven here good reads: currently reading about bottled water + plastic consumption. learn why your choice matters via the new york times. scoop up a zero-plastic filter for purifying your tap water at tiny yellow bungalow, a great lil eco shop with a gaggle of green options for greening your home.