{simple pleasures} perdu + trouvé: lost + found

I suppose if I thought of a metaphysical element, ‘the Good’ to me is what people mean by God: the existence of, the idea of, good. I think of these philosophies as an enormous lake feeding into this thing called The Good. Literature is also a tributary, a smaller one, in this lake. To participate in it is to be close to God.
— Zadie Smith

perdu + trouvé: getting lost means stumbling upon the unexpected, even while visiting + exploring my hometown of chicago. i happened upon the baha'i temple, a domed structure standing 191 feet tall; from afar, its simple poetry moved me. its milky exterior, made of concrete + quartz, is surrounded by immaculately manicured gardens + blue sparkling fountains. this edifice brings to life a lovely place to meditate, to contemplate + to take in the spellbinding details of an architectural marvel, the oldest surviving temple of the baha'i faith.