{eco boutique} 48 + sea: a fleet of female indie designers

i've been reading about the history of gift giving: a tradition as old as humanity itself. i love to think about the little tokens {and big ones too} of appreciation that have been shared throughout the centuries, a tangible expression of love + affection. 

i truly relish giving gifts. if i like you, then you've probably received a present from me. most likely, you've received a candle {not all candles all created equal} or perhaps a chocolaty treat {fair trade certified}. if i really like you, you've received a bar of soap as well {the kind that smell like you're holding an entire forest in the palms of your hands}. as a minimalist, i believe these tokens of affection can be wonderfully useful. 

enter jennifer meyer, eco entrepreneur + proprietress of 48 + sea, an online boutique focused on goods with purpose + beauty, made by female designers across america. jennifer's shop has a distinct + handsomely poetic point of view; each brand has been carefully vetted, so you know the jewelry, housewares + apothecary products are all made with respect to our planet + to people. all you have to do is click your way through to find charming goods that defy traditional design boundaries. this is 48 + sea: 

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bono, prolific musician + philanthropist, shrewd businessman + venture capitalist, once said, "shopping is politics." bono believed that revolution among active citizens began "in their kitchen. it's in their footsteps, in the choices they make to buy this and not that."

where do we go to invest in items that have a positive ripple effect on those who produce them?

if we traveled back in time, we would find breathtaking artisan-made goods being carefully crafted by skilled potters, carpenters + metal smiths. we might find these artworks with their strong provenance at craft bazaars or specialty shops. skip ahead to a time when people like you + me might have to travel far + wide to acquire such winsome pieces. or we might scramble from one website to another piecing together unique wares.

now back to the future: today we can find clever handcrafted goods + cool independent designs in one online boutique. brooklyn-based jennifer meyer has created a space, 

48 + sea, with simple + spare housewares, luxe bath products as well as light + airy jewelry, all in modern incarnations.

jennifer has invested her talents in 48 + sea a singular shop with a mix of elegant + subtle statement pieces. she loves the arresting imperfections of a wheel-thrown mug + plate or hand-dyed tea towels. she also loves aromatic candles that fill your home with soothing scents {think ginger + citrus or cucumber + wild mint}, transforming your space into one of peace + productivity.

i quickly fell in love with the soaps + candles, handmade jewelry + clutches as well as the natural beauty selection that jennifer has curated, including california organic beauty brand s/he studio + pennsylvania candle maker zoet bathlatier. but only order from 48 + sea if you like top notch customer service and goods with compelling diversity inspired by nature + made with love. 

until next time, stay green, dear hearts!