simple pleasures: terrain des peintres

An environmental human rights movement is the vision under which I labor and which may, if we all work together in concert, become a self-fulfilling prophecy. May it be so.
— Dr. Sarah Steingraber

the south of france is a marvel. here, the silhouette of saint-victoire, the solitary mountain painted by post impressionist painter paul cezanne from this verdant lookout circa 1887. my love of nature is a driving force in my desire to preserve our natural resources, protect our animals + ensure the rights of all people. i'm diving into the compelling book living downstream by activist, ecologist + cancer survivor, dr. sarah steingraber. check out this feature length documentary film in which she discusses “the web of connections between our bodies and the ecological world in which we eat, drink, breath and work.”

simple pleasures: arbre de la vie

Who can say more than this rich praise, that you alone are you?
— Shakespeare

in paris, on the metro, there are posters serving up poetry for commuters on their daily train rides in each of the cars. i’m captivated by these simple, extraordinary poems written by ordinary citizens of all ages, from 7 to 77. when i travel away from paris, the visual poetry of mountains + countryside moves me in the same way, the landscape is striking, the ancient architecture something to behold. i’ll be posting photos from my travels through the south of france here and on instagram, and i’m taking you along for the ride.