simple pleasures: mille vies, a thousand lifetimes

I have dreams and visions for a thousand lifetimes.
— Dustin Yellin

i spend much of my free time reading about the work + the lives of my heroes who are esteemed for their doctrines of nonviolent protest to achieve social and political progress. mahatma gandhi, martin luther king, jr, nelson mandela and mother theresa are among my favorites. my own dreams for today and the future are a world where the fashion industry, a creative industry that i employ daily to express myself, protects workers, the environment and animals. i dream of transparency. 

is your favorite brand respecting their workers and does it care about their lives? a 2013 safety program, in which over 200 fashion brands participate, has been working to make garment factories in bangladesh into safe workplaces. this safety program ends in may 2018, and it's important for consumers + citizens to place pressure on fast fashion companies to sign the accord and work towards providing safe factories for workers. take action + sign here and use your voice on social media to ask h+m to commit to its promise of living wages