eco brand: penh lenh, from cambodia, with love

along the coastline of the the gulf of thailand lies the country of cambodia. with its lush landscapes + historic temples, cambodia is a land of dizzying beauty, but it is also one of southeast asia's poorest nations.

over 15,000 women in phnom work in drug or sex-related industries, often with the hope of providing financial support to their families.

fair trade + ethical accessory label penh lenh {meaning "whole"} seeks to combat these industries by providing education, vocational training + career opportunities to women overcoming great obstacles. each woman is employed as an artisan, creating unique jewelry + apparel while earning a living wage.

i've long had an affinity for tassels, but this is exactly what i imagine tassel heaven to look like: variations of smart earrings with shoulder-sweeping tassels, conservative + coquettish tassels, tassels in beautiful, calming hues + rich, saturated colors and handcrafted necklaces with tassels, too. oh, and the brilliant women of penh lenh are also creating dainty bracelets.

are you ready to tassel?

from our friends at penh lenhserving the marginalized and often abused women of phnom penh gives penh lenh the chance to illustrate messages of kindness, peace and hope where those things often lay dormant.

it is our mission to pour 100% of our profits back into building new and effective methods of teaching and caring for our artisans.

we are deeply committed to changing the world by starting from within. weekly, our team members are offered academic courses that cover an array of topics ranging from nutrition and physical wellness, to female empowerment, english classes, and professional + budgeting skills. it is our belief that from knowledge springs strength, and from strength springs reform.

watching our artisans take pride in their accomplishments, professionally, personally and academically, is penh lenh's greatest joy. each morning we wake up hopeful for what's to come and grateful for what we've built.

how do you take your tassels? check out to of my favorite from penh lenh with these dramatic tassels in teal and this coy pair in a pop of rouge

is exactly the color you need to add a little style to your everyday wear {perfect for work, dinner parties or a leisurely stroll through the park; i've worn mine to each}.

until next time, stay green dear hearts!