{simple pleasures} chasse au trésor: treasure hunt

Breathe in Paris, it preserves the soul.
— Victor Hugo

chasse au tressor: around every corner, a new visual treasure awaits. today's simple pleasures are little streets offering strapping cobblestone streets and sparkling flora.

i'll be taking a little break from writing here at finny+dill to seek out treasures through europe, via a road trip through europe with friends from spain + france and with the help of some fantastic guides from seasoned travelers like conscious city guides + eco cult. if you're traveling, look to these sites for some of that good eco info on where to eat, where to sleep + and where to find local wares.

i'm looking forward to posting again in august with some fantastic new ethical brands and of course i'll pepper you with pics of my vagabonding ways + happy days.

until next time, stay green dear hearts!