{simple pleasures} flotteurs de l'espoir: hope floats

I don’t care to wake up in the morning without hope. Hope is a survival mechanism, along with living in the moment.
— Norman Lear

lever + coucher soleil: sunrise + sunset; on my recent journey to marseille, a centuries-old port town in the south of france, i had the pleasure of rising each morning with this view in my eyes, and at night, the landscape bathed in soft sunlight was equally intoxicating to take in. i woke up with hope + happiness overflowing from within.

during my travels, i deliberately took time to be present in the moment and away from social media as i voyaged from one great city to the next. and now, i'm going to invite you into my little time machine called finny+dill where i'll take you back with me and share lots of new op shops + vintage boutiques in paris, disclose why my heart went pitter-patter when i learned whom i would spend valentine's day with, and unfurl some fantastic vegan cafes in the city of light. stay tuned!