{simple pleasures} écouter de la musique: listen to the music

The only proof he needed of the existence of god was music.
— Kurt Vonnegot

écouter de la musique: i honestly can't imagine life without music. i'm hypnotized by the soundtrack that accompanies different cities. in france, i often hear the accordion on the metro or on street corners, a very different soundscape from the percussion beats i often heard growing up as a child in america. all music truly moves me. here for you today, four of my favorite quotes about music. i'm so thankful to all those who make it + share it.

aldous huxley // “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” 

maya angelou // “music was my refuge. i could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

albert einstein // “if i were not a physicist, i would probably be a musician. i often think in music. i live my daydreams in music. i see my life in terms of music.”

jack kerouac // “the only truth is music.” 

{take a look at those sunshine yellow socks on monsieur accordion! head on over here for some fun, ethical socks of your own}